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Clinical Hypnosis

Your mental health has never been more important, don't let your disorders get in the way of your life.

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What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is focus and concentration, an altered state of consciousness.

Some of the treatments that hypnosis can help you with.




Chronic Pain





Emotional problems

Sexual Problems

(with emotional cause)


Panic Syndrome

Weight loss

Healthy life


Reframing Pain

Mental health


Alexandre Mora

I am always looking for learning, self-knowledge and self-development. Throughout my professional journey in the technology area, I was always connected with studies focused on human relations and how I could support people to give new meaning to everything that impedes their personal and mental development.

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Knowing Hypnotherapy

What is it?

Hypnotherapy is an effective therapeutic technique, used by accredited professionals in the treatment of certain symptoms.

How it works?

Hypnosis changes the pattern of consciousness; the individual focuses their attention through an induction, concentrating the mind and directing their thoughts and, therefore, accessing the subconscious and giving new meaning to the desired symptoms.

What is it for?

To assist in all emotional treatments, such as: addictions, grief, trauma, depression, phobias, panic syndrome, stress, etc.

What is the role of the hypnotherapist?

It is the hypnotherapist's role to guide the individual in the correct way, so that they can identify a particular problem, confront it and, thus, give it new meaning.

Who should see a hypnotherapist?

Typically, the Hypnotherapist is sought out as a last resort. After years of suffering, pain, long treatments and many medications. However, it can be the first resource when an emotional problem arises and prevent a lot of discomfort and discomfort.

What can hypnotherapy treat?

All emotional problems, traumas, phobias, fears, depression, anxiety, panic syndrome, stuttering, grief, burnout, addictions, shyness, stress, sexual problems (of an emotional nature).

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