Common questions


Below are answers to some common questions.

  • What is hypnosis?

    Hypnosis is a technique applied by a professional that consists of taking the person into an altered state of consciousness (trance), which increases their focus and concentration which brings the possibilities of getting to know themselves better, remembering past situations with rich details, give new meaning to traumas and overcome fears.

  • Can anyone be hypnotized?

    Yes, the only requirement to be hypnotized is to want and be willing to do so, to be engaged in the process and carry it out in partnership with the hypnologist, always focused on developing resilience and quality of life.

  • Will I sleep during treatment?

    No, for the treatment to happen, you have to be awake and interacting with me.

  • Will I tell or do things I don't want to?

    No, you will be in control at all times, you will only do and say things that you want.

  • Will the hypnotherapist have control of my mind?

    No, if you don't allow it, you won't even be hypnotized.

  • How many sessions are needed?

    There is no exact number of therapies, but I work with packages of 3 sessions (which are generally enough for most cases).

  • Is treatment like hypnotherapy expensive?

    This depends on the importance you give to your mental health, and compared to conventional treatments (psychologists and psychiatrists) the treatment is much cheaper.

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